Design Philosophies

  1.    Develop Simple Solutions with Advanced    

      Technology & Effective Engineering

•    Extensive Requirements Definition & Research

•    Requirements Drive Design

•    Design for Production & Maintenance


Design Methods

•    Small Focused Design Team

•    Highly Experienced Team Members

•    Utilize Latest Computer Design Tools

•    Long Standing Relationships with Associates,        

     Suppliers & Subcontractors


Distributive Systems Development

•    Experience in High Speed Craft Systems

•    Emphasis on Simplifying Systems

•    Increased Integration & Vendor Interface

•    Supportability Considered in Component Selection

•    Design to ABS, ABYC, IEEE & USCG

•    Significant Attention to Weight Control

•    3-D Routing


Design Capabilities

•    Concept Development

•    Technical Proposal Development

•    Detail Design

•    Production Support

•    Tests & Trial Support


Project Management

•    Complete Deliverable Lists in ESWBS

  1.    Schedule Issue or Completion Dates for all    


  1.    Budget Assigned to Deliverables & Tracked in

      Cost Database

•    Document Management Database